Friday 17 February 2012

15 Minute Workout: Score a Sexy Rear View

This high-octane routine blasts fat and firms your lower half—fast!

Boost Your Caboose

Your tiny two-piece may be hibernating, but that doesn't mean your workout routine should take a long winter's rest. (Search: Winter workout tips)
Get lean legs and a tight tush with this supercharged circuit inspired by the new Aspen Ascent class at Reebok Sports Club/NY. Each high-energy move strengthens and shapes your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves while also improving your cardiovascular endurance, core stability, balance, and agility. Which means it's the perfect prep for ski bunnies. (Related: Look hot—even when it's cold—in the best winter gear)

"You'll be able to navigate the slopes with better balance, ski longer without fatiguing, and recover faster with less soreness," says group exercise instructor Stephanie Levinson, who created this fast-paced workout. Or just look hot while sipping cocoa in the chalet.
Three times a week, complete each exercise, moving from one to the next without rest. Repeat two or three times total. For an added challenge, hold light dumbbells to work your upper body.
Always on the run? Download free workouts for your portable media player at 

Over-and-Back Lunge with Biceps Curl

Step 1: Step forward off a step, arms at your sides, and lower into a lunge.

Step 2: Press through your front heel to stand up, raising your knee and curling your arms up to your shoulders.

Step 3: Immediately step back into a lunge and straighten your arms. Return to start. Do 10 to 12, then switch legs and repeat.

This Move Works:
Biceps, Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps

 Mogul Hop

Step 1: Place a rolled-up towel on the floor to the left of you, and stand on your right foot, knee slightly bent, elbows bent 90 degrees (a).

 Step 2: Keeping your core tight, hop to the left over the towel and land on your left foot. Hop back to return to start. That's one rep. Continue going back and forth at a quick but controlled pace, doing as many reps as you can in 60 seconds.

Two-Way Lunge with Triceps Extension

 Step 1: Step to the right and lower into a side lunge, left leg straight, and lean forward, extending your arms behind you.
 Step 2: Press through your right heel to stand, raise your right knee, and curl your arms toward your chest.

Step 3: Then step your right leg behind you into a lunge, extending your arms behind you. Return to start. Do eight to 10, then switch sides and repeat.

Four-Point Jump

Step 1: With your forearms parallel to the floor, bend your knees and jump forward and then back to start, and then backward and back to start.  

Step 2: Jump to the right, back to start, then to the left. Jump back to start. Do eight.

This Move Works:
Total Body         

8 Flat Belly Shortcuts

Shrink Your Middle
You've worn in your walking shoes. You fill your grocery cart with healthy fare. And you're careful not to dive headfirst into a pint of ice cream under stress. Yet your belly fat remains. It's frustrating, for sure, but far from permanent! Those healthy habits are a good start, but as you age, you need to work out and eat smarter to maintain a slimmer middle. "Belly fat can be very responsive with the right strategies," says Michele Olson, PhD, an exercise researcher at Auburn University. Here, science-proven ways to fine-tune your already healthy routine for fast results. For speedier flattening, try this workout plan and watch stubborn belly bulge disappear!

1. Speed Up Your Walk

Pick up your pace and you'll burn an average of 25% more calories--and target belly fat. One recent study from the University of Arkansas found that even when exercisers burned exactly the same number of calories a week, those who did shorter, high-intensity workouts had a 20% drop in visceral (deep abdominal) fat after 3 months, while those who did longer workouts at a moderate pace had no change. Aim for 2 or 3 weekly speed sessions lasting about 30 minutes each. You should be walking at an intensity level in which you can speak only a few words at a time. If you're unable to maintain that effort for the entire workout, practice intervals, alternating short bursts of fast walking with slower segments.

Some easy ways to incorporate intervals:

With an MP3 player: Speed up every other song.

With a sports watch: Alternate 3-to 5-minute fast-paced bursts with equal-length bouts at a moderate pace.

In a hilly area: Walk as quickly as you can to the top, then walk back down to recover. (You can do the same thing on a treadmill at a 5 to 10% incline, lowering to zero to recover.)

2. Get on the Ball

To get more ab toning from classic crunches, use a stability ball. Research from San Diego State University shows you'll activate nearly 40% more of your topmost abdominals (the rectus abdominis) and 47% more of your side abs (the obliques). Then add some moves that target your deeper belly muscles. "Crunches are just one piece of the puzzle," says trainer Jonathan Ross, owner of Aion Fitness in Bowie, MD. "The key to a firm midsection is to strengthen everything under your top muscles."
Planks offer an easy way to target this area: Lie facedown with upper body propped on elbows and forearms. Tuck your toes and raise hips and legs off floor so body is in line from head to heels. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Then try a set of side planks: Balance on one elbow, forearm, and side of foot, with hips and legs stacked and opposite arm raised toward ceiling.

3. Pump Some Iron

Vigorous aerobic exercise such as fast walking or jogging is great for blasting belly fat, but a total-body weight-training routine boosts results and firms your midsection even more. A 12-week Skidmore College study found that exercisers who did a high-intensity total-body resistance routine combined with cardio lost more than twice as much body fat--in particular, more than 4 times as much belly fat--compared with cardio-only exercisers. The resistance-training group also ate a high-protein diet, while the other group followed a traditional, moderate-protein eating plan. Researchers speculate that the extra fat loss may be due to the stepped-up calorie burn you get after lifting weights and the extra protein.

Bonus: You'll be less likely to regain lost pounds. "Whenever you lose weight, it typically comes from both fat tissue and muscle," explains Olson. "Resistance training helps maintain or even add muscle mass, which prevents a slowdown in metabolism."

4. Balance on One Leg
If you already strength-train consistently, you're one up on the nearly 80% of adults who don't. Research shows that even basic lower-body moves such as squats and dead lifts are a great way to strengthen core muscles and help flatten your abs. Incorporating a balance challenge, such as standing on one leg or using a wobble board or inflatable disk (available at sporting goods stores), helps target and tone every little muscle. "When you narrow your base of support--like balancing on one foot--you have less stability, so your body naturally engages all of your core muscles to prevent you from falling," says Olson. Try adding a knee lift to lunges, do single-leg squats, or simply 4. Balance on One Leg as you do upper-body moves such as biceps curls and overhead presses.

Another way to work your abs while toning the rest of your body: Hold a light weight overhead during moves like lunges and squats. "Your core is the main connection between your upper and lower body," explains Christopher Mohr, RD, PhD, an exercise physiologist and co-owner of Mohr Results in Louisville. "By creating more length from your center to your fingertips, your abs have to work extra hard just to keep you upright." That creates a firmer, stronger midsection.

5. Turn in Earlier
Eating right and exercising regularly help ward off both stress and belly fat, but only if you're getting enough sleep. Skimping on sleep causes levels of the stress hormone cortisol to rise, along with levels of deep abdominal fat. "There's a definite association between lack of sleep, increased stress hormones, and weight gain," says Olson. In a 6-year study, Canadian researchers found that adults who averaged just 5 or 6 hours of shut-eye a night were 35% more likely to gain 10-plus pounds and were nearly 60% heavier around the middle than those who slept 7 to 8 hours.

6. Sip on This
Green tea is good for your skin and helps fight cancer--now researchers say it's even an effective belly buster. A recent study in the Journal of Nutrition found that exercisers who drank the equivalent of about 4 cups of green tea a day for 12 weeks lost over 8 times more ab fat than those who drank an ordinary caffeinated beverage--nearly 8% versus less than 1%. Researchers speculate that catechins (phytonutrients in green tea) may help speed the breakdown of fat.

7. Follow the Ultimate Flat Belly Workout

For faster benefits, here are all of the exercise-related healthy habits and flat belly-boosting tips combined into a weekly routine. If you don't have time to do everything, start with the cardio sessions. Then add total-body strength-training and finally some ab exercises.
MONDAY: Steady-paced cardio workout (at least 30 minutes)
TUESDAY: Cardio speed/interval workout (at least 30 minutes); total-body strength-training, including at least 2 standing balance exercises (20 to 30 minutes)
THURSDAY: Cardio speed/interval workout (at least 30 minutes); ab exercises (about 20 minutes)
FRIDAY: Total-body strength-training, including at least 2 standing balance exercises (20 to 30 minutes)
SATURDAY: Repeat Monday
SUNDAY:Repeat Tuesday

8. Eat Proven Flat Belly Foods

Counting calories, watching portions, and minimizing junk food are all flat belly essentials, but some foods can make it even easier to achieve your goal. Get our bonus guide to three fat-blasting superstars—including serving size, calorie counts, and meal tips—that will make a measurable difference in your waistline.



Wednesday 11 January 2012

Exercises to Lose Your Muffin Top

These moves will slim down your spillover spots while toning your tummy
Who was the joker who dubbed the jiggle that hangs over our jeans love handles? There’s not much to love. But before you go side-crunch yourself into a stupor, remember this: You can’t focus exclusively on your mirror muscles and expect to see a flat belly fast. This well-rounded workout, created by Melissa Paris, a certified personal trainer who also holds a degree in dietetics and nutrition, targets all of the muscles that make up your midsection. Not only will you be able to finally deflate that soufflĂ© rising over your trousers, but you’ll also have a stronger core, better posture, and sexier abs.

Complete the exercises in the order shown for the recommended sets and reps or duration to take muffin tops off the menu.

1. Plank
“This isolation exercise targets your internal abdominals, called the transverse abs,” says Paris. “These muscles are the deepest muscles that act as a girdle that holds everything together. By strengthening them you’ll develop a stronger core and a slimmer waistline.” Start by getting into a pushup position, but bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms instead of on your hands. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Brace your core by contracting your abs as if you were about to be punched in the gut. Hold for 30 seconds. As the exercise becomes easier over time, increase the duration of your hold by intervals of 15 seconds, eventually working up to 3 minutes.

2. Side PlankThe side plank is another isolation and balance exercise that targets your core, hips, and back—muscles that play a large role in smoothing out love handles, says Paris. Start by lying on your side with your knees straight and feet stacked. Prop up your upper body on your left elbow and forearm, then raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from the ankles to the shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. As the exercise becomes easier over time, increase the duration of your hold by intervals of 15 seconds, working up to 3 minutes.

3. Scissor KicksWorking your obliques not only defines your waistline, it also improves posture, which can help decrease back pain, says Paris. Start by lying on your back with feet 6 inches off the ground and your hands by your sides. Pull your navel in toward your spine to eliminate the arch in your back. Keeping both feet off the ground and your legs straight, alternate kicking your feet toward the ceiling. Kick with your right leg, then your left leg. That’s 1 rep. Repeat for 10 to 15 repetitions.

Make it harder Do the exercise while wearing ankle weights.

4. Vacuum ExerciseThe transverse abdominals are the most important muscles to target when you’re trying to flatten your belly, says Paris. They’re hard to reach—but this do-anywhere move hits ’em. Start on all fours with your spine relaxed and inhale deeply. While you exhale, pull your navel toward your spine and hold for 12 seconds. That’s 1 rep. Repeat for 12 repetitions.

5. Opposite Arm and Leg RaiseBalance and stabilization exercises like this one will strengthen your core and lower back, giving way to a slimmer waist, says Paris. Start on all fours. Then simultaneously lift your right arm straight in front of you and left leg behind you, creating a straight line between your fingertips and heel. Hold for a breath and return to start. Repeat the move, this time using your left arm and right leg. That’s one rep. Complete 20 repetitions.


Friday 25 November 2011

How to speed up your metabolism and lose weight fast

Improve your metabolism by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle
We are all programmed to think that the key to losing weight is to exercise more and eat a balanced diet. But even before you step into your running shoes or reach for the low-fat option on the supermarket shelf, there are steps you can take to reduce the amount of fat on your body.
Top of the list is learning how to send your metabolic rate into hyperdrive.

Increasing the speed of your metabolism - the amount of energy (calories) your body burns through - is essential for maintaining a healthy weight. Many men struggle with a slowing metabolism as they get older, which is why, no matter how hard they work out, shifting excess blubber becomes a near-impossible task.
Turning your metabolic rate up to 11 is all about eating the right foods and making a few simple changes to your lifestyle. Here's our guide on how to do it.
Eat the right foods: Most of us have at some point in our lives experienced that sinking feeling when, confronted by our chubby reflection in the mirror, we realize it's time to go on a diet.
And while it's understandable that this leads some men to drastically reduce the amount of food they eat or to even starve themselves, this spells disaster for your metabolism.
Fasting forces your body to slow its metabolic rate right down, allowing it to hold on to calories, protect your fat reserves and burn muscle. It's not about eating less, it's about eating the right foods - so light a fire under your metabolism by chowing down on nutritionally sound snacks when you feel hungry.
Get plenty of sleep: Getting a good night's sleep has multiple health benefits, including boosting mental health and cognitive function and reducing stress. But did you know it can also help control your metabolism, and therefore help you to lose weight?
Researchers at the University of Chicago found that chronic sleep loss reduces the body's ability to perform basic metabolic functions, including processing calories.
The team of experts believe those of us who are well-rested lose 56 per cent more fat when dieting compared to the sleep-deprived. A sluggish metabolism is also thought to drive appetite, meaning you are more likely to snack during the day.
Don't skip breakfast: Why is a fast metabolism so important? Because it means you burn more calories, even when you are at rest. But your metabolic rate needs a helping hand at the start of the day, which is why you should always, always eat a healthy breakfast. As well as giving you the energy you need to get through the day, a breakfast that - ideally - gives you around 25 per cent of your daily calorie intake and is part protein, fat and carbohydrate (porridge with fruit is best) will keep your metabolism ticking over nicely until lunch.
Drink cold water: Hydration is essential for good health, especially if you spend long hours in the gym, but researchers now think you can turn up your metabolism even higher by ensuring the water is ice cold. Research carried out in Germany found that drinking six cups of cold water daily can help you burn an extra 50 calories a day (the experts believe more energy is required to heat the cold water to your core temperature), which adds up to five pounds of weight lost in the course of a year. Finally, that excuse to buy that mini fridge we've all been waiting for.
Add spice: It's not just about cooling down the body - turning up the heat can also have a positive impact on your metabolism. Fire it up by adding spice to your food; fiery chillies contain capsaicin, a compound which increases your body's internal furnaces which in turn boosts your metabolic rate. Try adding chillies, red peppers or even salsa (fantastic on scrambled eggs) to your meals and reap the nutritional rewards.
Do interval training: That slow, tedious run you do three or four times a week no longer helping you to lose weight? That's because you've plateaued; your body has caught on to your feeble exercise regime and your metabolic rate has flatlined as a result. To boost metabolism, the intensity of your workouts - and therefore your heart rate - needs to go up, which makes interval training the perfect antidote to plods around the park. One study carried out at East Tennessee State University found that high intensity interval training increases the resting metabolic rate for the following 24 hours. In other words, you are rewarded with a whole day of benefits.
Embrace protein: Protein - is there anything it can't do? It builds lean muscle, keeps you feeling fuller for longer (which makes you less likely to snack) and now it seems it can also help increase your metabolism. It is thought that, because protein is so complex compared with carbs or fat, the body expends more energy breaking it down, which means you can increase calorie burn by as much as 35 per cent after your protein-packed meal. Make sure your diet contains lots of eggs, lean cuts of meat, fish and poultry.
Get your caffeine kick: The debate over whether coffee is good or bad for us looks set to run and run, but there is no doubt that caffeine does offer the body several health benefits, including giving your metabolism a jolt by stimulating the central nervous system. Researchers also believe that the antioxidant catechins - high levels of which are found in tea - can raise your metabolic rate by as much as 10 per cent. Green tea has been shown to be particularly adept at promoting weight loss: five cups daily can rev up your metabolism to the tune of burning off an extra 90 calories a day.
Build up muscle: Basic rule - the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate.
This is because muscle tissue is active, whereas fat is as inactive as the sofa-bound slobs it likes to cling to. While your muscles are constantly on the move, your fat cells are stationary. This means that more muscle allows your body to burn calories, even when you put your feet up.
Exercises such as resistance training combined with a protein-rich diet will increase your muscle tone - and subsequently give your metabolism a lift.
Become an iron man: Your muscles need a constant supply of oxygen to help them burn fat, and it is the iron in your diet that helps carry this vital supply of O2 directly to them.
An iron deficiency means your muscles can't burn as much energy, signalling a slowing down of your metabolic rate.Make sure your diet is full of iron-rich foods like shellfish, spinach, steak and beans to replenish your supply and avoid running the risk of a poor metabolism and sapped energy levels.

Best Workout for Your Body Type

You're a bit wider on the bottom than you are on top. Tone your arms and shoulders, and get tighter all over with our pear-friendly workout.
Get Your Workout
Get Your Eating Plan
StraightYou're stick straight with very few curves. Add more shape to your waist and sculpt your glutes with this workout plan for straight body types.
Get Your Workout
Get Your Eating Plan
CurvyYour bust and hips are larger compared to your waist. Add full-body muscle tone and shape up those arms and legs with this curves-a-licious workout.
Get Your Workout
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AthleticYou have broad shoulders and narrow hips. Tighten your core, and add some shape to your butt and thighs with this athletic-body-type workout.


The (15 Minute) Superfast Total-Body Workout

Four moves. That's all it takes to fire up your fat burning and build lean metabolism-charging muscle
This basic routine hits all of your major muscle groups. Do these moves one after another with no rest in between. Repeat the circuit a total of three times, resting one minute between each circuit.
1. Squat: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells at your sides (left). Squat down as if you're sitting into a chair until your thighs are nearly parallel to the floor, keeping your knees from jutting past your toes (right). Slowly return to the starting position. Do 12 to 15 reps.
2. Chest Press: Lie back on an exercise bench and hold the dumbbells over your chest at arm's length. Your palms should be turned slightly inward (top). Lower your arms until the weights are even with your chest (bottom). Press back to the starting position. Do 12 to 15 reps.
3. Bent-Over Row: Holding a pair of dumbbells, slightly bend your knees and bend forward until your torso is nearly parallel to the floor, your arms hanging down, palms facing back (left). Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull the dumbbells to your chest (right). Lower back to start. Do 12 to 15 reps.
4. Bicycle: Lie on your back, knees bent 90 degrees and legs lifted so calves are parallel to the floor (top). With your hands behind your head, lift your right shoulder off the floor and curl toward your left knee as you extend your right leg (bottom). Then curl toward your right knee as you bend it and extend your left leg. Imagine leading with your shoulder, not your elbow. Don't pull up on your head; make your abs do the work. Alternate this way for 12 to 15 reps per side.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Lean Legs, Tight Tush

Get a slammin' lower body with these leg exercises
This workout targets every inch of your lower body—glutes, quads, hamstrings, hips, inner thighs, and calves—to build lean muscle in your bottom half and boost your metabolism, while also improving your core strength and balance.

What to Expect Three days a week, do two or three sets of this routine, resting for 60 seconds between each exercise. Shorten your break time (or get rid of it completely!) to increase the challenge even more. 

GET STARTED * Watch the video and learn how to do the exercises
* Download a printable version of the workout (below)

** If you can't see this video click here: